I woke up this morning with a million and 1 things running through my mind. For starters, ME...selling SEX TOYS! OMG! Some say that it totally fits my personality, which is a good thing, but I wasn't always this comfortable discussing sex.
I grew up OLD SCHOOL! Sex wasn't talked about in my house. My birds & bees talk was "DON"T BRING NO BABIES UP IN HERE?" Period. Point blank.
I was "lucky" enough to be cursed with horrible menstrual cycles & cramps from HELL. I say "lucky" because the only thing that helped my heavy flow & cramps were birth control pills! YAAAYYYYY!!! So I was able to kill a few birds with 1 stone & not have to go to my mom & say "Mom, I think I want to have sex" & risk getting the shit slapped out of me & grounded until I was 30!
With my lack of knowledge as a teen & really noone to talk to...SEVERAL mistakes were made! My 1st time at the age of 15 was HORRIBLE! Honestly, I never really enjoyed sex until AFTER I had my first child. I NEVER had an orgasm until I was 24!!! Sex was just "something to do" because I had a boyfriend & believed that was the only way I could keep him.
Imagine my surprise when I first experienced the BIG O! LAWD HAMMERCY...you couldn't tell me I hadn't died & gone to Heaven! The seas parted, birds were singing, & the Earth moved!! HALLELUJAH!!! SO THAT WAS WHAT I HAD BEEN MISSING!
If only I knew back then, what I know now! It is so important for women & men to explore their bodies. We can't tell our partners what buttons to push if we don't know ourselves! Masturbation, like sex, was NOT TO BE DISCUSSED! You were considered to be a spawn of Satan if caught masturbating & you damn sure wouldn't talk about it.
Well, here we are TODAY & things are MUCH different. YAAAAYYYYYYY! There is no reason for anyone to be having BAD SEX!!!
Orgasms are the Center of the UNIVERSE! LOL! (I was told that by my Consultant Director, Sheri Driver...LOVE HER!) I agree 1000%. Orgasms are good for you! They relieve stress, help you sleep better, can stop junk food cravings & provide pain management (cramps, headaches). Who wouldn't want all of those benefits?
I am so happy to be a part of Bedroom Kandi! I am a born nurturer & this new venture gives me the unique opportunity to play an important role in the discussion of sexuality issues, well-being, and responsibility. I can teach, motivate, inspire, & bring spice & luxury into homes EVERYWHERE!! WHAT A FANTASTIC JOB! Thank you Kandi Burruss!
10/11/2012 03:53:38 pm

I can totally relate! Lol...I guess parents felt that by not talking about it it wasn't happening.


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